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'Leaders and staff are experts at meeting the complex needs of each pupil'
 (Ofsted 2022)


ASPIRE: Lifeskills are specialists in our field, and as such we recognise that children with autism need to be taught in a different way; a way that is personalised and relevant to them. We know that when students are happy, confident and well equipped to manage the day-to-day challenges of life, they thrive academically.


At ASPIRE, we take an holistic approach to learning that wraps therapeutic care and educational support around the individual needs of each student. Within small classes or through one-to-one support, students have the space and support they need to progress at their own pace.


With a variety of therapists on hand, children are well supported in all aspects of their social, emotional and academic development here at ASPIRE: Lifeskills. That support is extended to our students’ families too. We work closely in partnership to support families, so together we can help our students achieve their potential.

Our Approach

Our Vision Values & Aims


We aspire to develop confident, successful learners who become responsible citizens and effective contributors in their adult life


Within the ASPIRE community we;


  1. Value every member for their strengths, skills and uniqueness.

  2. Respect others’ values, thoughts and ideas

  3. Believe that everyone has the right to opportunities that enable them to achieve success.

  4. Understand that respect, cooperation and commitment underpin daily practice throughout our learning environment.

  5. Encourage positive partnerships through effective communication.


  1. To provide inspiration and leadership which drives the development of learning.

  2. To have staff who have the skills, knowledge and training to ensure consistent high standards of learning are maintained.

  3. To ensure a safe and enabling environment where individual needs are recognised, celebrated and supported effectively.

  4. To identify students’ strengths and interests to motivate and engage them in purposeful learning experiences.

  5. To inspire positive attitudes towards learning that helps fulfil academic and personal potential.  

  6. To maintain a purposeful provision which values the views and knowledge of everyone involved in the student’s learning journey.

  7. To deliver bespoke programmes which are progressive, holistic and personal.

  8. To provide relevant, stimulating and sequential lessons, which are intrinsically motivating.

  9. To enable cross curricular and holistic opportunities that empower students to effectively communicate, problem-solve and engage with the wider world.

  10. To develop skills and confidence to live as independently as possible with self-worth, self-esteem and sense of identity.

Vision, Values, Aims

Personalised Learning Pathways 

All ASPIRE: Lifeskills pathways are holistic by design and are carefully planned and delivered to support our students to develop the 'Capital Culture' and lifeskills they will need to be successful in adult life.


At ASPIRE we recognise that 'Cultural Capital' for our students include the need to focus on the Personal and Holistic aspects of learning. We achieve this by infusing Personal and Holistic Targets into all our pathways and teaching. 


Personal & Holistic Targets 


As part of both the Orange and Purple pathways students work towards focused personal and holistic targets in the areas of; 


  • Social Communication and Interaction

  • Thinking Skills

  • Self-Management 

  • Sensory Processing 


These targets are linked to priorities highlighted in a young persons 'Education, Health Care Plans' and are set and monitored by the Senior Leadership Team, Speech and Language Therapist and Occupational Therapist. 


All sessions at the Learning Centre, both structured and unstructured includes the opportunity to teach or model an aspect of the ASPIRE's personal and holistic Curriculum. 




Many students who join ASPIRE have experienced significant difficulties accessing the curriculum in previous placements and have often resulted in extended periods out of education. At ASPIRE we recognise the importance of building relationship, confidence and enjoyment into the curriculum to ensure reengagement with the learning process. To facilitate this reengagement, students new to ASPIRE undertake a 3 months initial assessment period where their talents, skills and interests are used to help build an appropriate personalised curriculum. 


Orange Pathway


The orange pathway has an academic focus and as such has a curriculum similar to that of a mainstream environment. 


Students attend structured session focused around a core curriculum of GCSE courses or Edexcel Functional Skills in Maths, English and ICT. Our broad range of national curriculum coverages extends up to A Levels with student also benefit from accessing the Princes Trust Award and Bushcraft and Survival Skills activities as part of social forestry classes. 


We have also developed links with our local mainstream secondary provision ‘Limehurst Academy’ to enable supported inclusion for our students, where possible.


All students at Key Stage 4 have the opportunity to discuss careers options during the world of world topics studied and also meet with an independent careers advisor throughout year 10 and 11. 


Purple Pathway 


The Purple Pathway Curriculum is designed to support students to develop the necessary skills to live as independently as possible. The overall aim of the purple pathway is therefore to ensure that when students leave full time education and transition into adulthood, they will be able to make a valued contribution to society. For this reason, the curriculum is structured to include opportunity to develop independent life and living skills including the skills to enable them to navigate additional complex issues they may face due to their particular SEND. 

To achieve its aims the Purple Pathway has a holistic focus and follows a thematic structure with functional lifeskills delivered practically through real life experiences. Learning resources are carefully selected to complement individual learning styles in order to achieve the greatest level of comprehension and success in transference of skills into real life. 


Themes with a strong Personal/Social Development or Lifeskills focus are planned on a half termly basis to capture student imagination. Activities are carefully selected around the theme to allow students to engage with real life experiences that provide the opportunity to develop key functional life skills. Some of these key skills including; verbal and written communication, handling money and finances, maintaining a home, cooking own lunch, working with IT, personal safety, personal rights and responsibilities, preparing for work, being a good citizen and interacting with the wider community. 


Themes are planned on a three-year cycle to keep learning fresh. 


In addition from 2023, ASPIRE will be using the unit award scheme to celebrate the achievements of our students who are academic but are unable to access the examination system. Their curriculum will look similar to the Orange Pathway, but will not lead to exams.


For a more detailed information about the ASPIRE curriculum, click on the following link:


ASPIRE Curriculum Page

Personalised Learning
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Contact Details:


Registered Company Address:

183 Conway Drive, Shepshed, Leicestershire LE12 9PN


Learning Centre Address:   

Town Hall Chambers, Town Hall Passage, Market Place, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3EB

Tel:                                           07342885844 or 01509 269441


Head Teacher/Director            Mrs Vivienne Boulton

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© 2019 by Aspire Lifeskills

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